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Christensen’s seed money has really made Tree Board grow

— Angie Steffen Laurel Advocate

LAUREL — A donation to the local Tree Board years ago has allowed a tree-planting program to grow and flourish in the community.

Mary Ann Christensen was honored with a plaque at Monday’s Laurel City Council meeting for the donation that she and her late husband, Marvin, made that has allowed the Tree Board to plant trees in the community.

Through Christensen’s support, the Tree Board has also been able to educate Laurel-Concord-Coleridge first-grade students on Arbor Day and the importance of trees in the community.

Plans continue to add to the tree canopy and beautification of Laurel through the Tree Board’s work.

The gift is truly one that has and will continue to give to Laurel’s residents now and long into the future.

At its meeting Monday, council members also heard a report on the Hillcrest Care Center.

Complete Roofing is working on the assisted living roof and the security system is to be installed soon.

The center’s water heater is leaking and Art Kathol’s bid of $11,960 was accepted to replace it.

The kitchen ceiling HVAC unit needs to be replaced with an estimated replacement cost of $9,400.

Nursing home census has doubled from this time last year with a total of 24 residents. There are three residents in assisted living.

The center plans to use a received donation for new carpet. In other city news, the council will reconvene for a special hearing on a USDA grant application. The city also decided to advertise for bids to construct a splash pad.

At its meeting Monday, the city council also:

- Heard from Chad Young who inquired about legalizing fireworks for New Year’s Eve. Council members will address the issue at an upcoming special meeting.

- Discussed the economic development coordinator job description.

- Approved the re-appointments of Lee Potts and Steve Thompson to the Laurel Planning Commission.

- Approved a building permit for Lamont Hangman to build a privacy fence.

- Approved employee health insurance coverage for 2022 and limits on Health Savings Accounts.

- Approved a separate account for the Laurel Community Center.

- Approved a pricing order change for Third and Pine street project.

- Heard a report from Police Chief Ron Lundahl about police activity over the last month including two assaults, three “fix-it” tickets, one ambulance assist call, one citation, 160 building checks, five warnings, four animal complaints, three motorist assist calls, one arrest, four hours of officer training for Lundahl, seven school traffic calls, three citizen complaints, one funeral assistance call, three welfare checks, one alarm, three disturbances and two traffic complaints.

- Approved a resolution authorizing participation in the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District and the updated interlocal agreement with Community Development Block Grant administration.

- Authorized the year-end certification of the city street superintendent.

- Entered executive session to discuss a transfer of real property and potential lease of real property.

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